About Us
We are a small, passionate group, who believe that the education process can be improved through technology. We use our unique backgrounds, from theoretical physics to psychology, to design new solutions and build HelpCue.

Ahmed Omran
Ahmed Omran is a passionate educator with experience in teaching, curriculum development and instructional design. He is also a web developer, specializing in Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and HTML/CSS. Follow him on Twitter.

Alexander Miloff
Alexander has Master's degrees in psychotherapy and public health. His work with international organizations focused on the impact of technologies on development.

Paula Franzini
Paula is a developer and data scientist. She spent over 10 years as a physicist at labs such as CERN, SLAC (Stanford U), and LBL (UCBerkeley). More recently, she was a professional visual artist for several years. You can see some of her work on her website.