Where we write about building HelpCue.

New in HelpCue - Question Editing and Answers!

HelpCue Team May 17, 2014

We’ve been working on our secret sauce and have some exciting updates to share.

Next time you post a question you’re not satisfied with, insteading of losing your place in the queue, the edit ability allows you to make those changes on the fly.


Later on, the process of writing up an optional answer to your question can help you to consolidate your learning. As questions are asked and answers are input, your colleagues all benefit from your learning. Next time, instead of waiting in the queue for an answer, you might find it instantly after a quick search of the database.

We’ve also included a few smaller additions such as placeholder text when you enter the queue without asking a question, and lots of performance and UI tweaks to improve the overall experience.

We hope you like the changes we’ve made and look forward to hearing from you!

HelpCue Team
May 17, 2014